Go Build

Go Build

Let’s reinvent buildings, old and new.

The buildings sector contributes seven percent of global greenhouse gas emissions; to change this, we need innovations that revolutionize how buildings are planned, built, retrofitted, and managed. 

Greentown Go Build brings together startups and corporates to accelerate the commercialization of technologies from building materials to building management systems, and more. How can you help build a decarbonized future?

Let’s Go.

Past Go Build Programs

Go Build 2023

Decarbonizing the built environment, from conception to breaking ground, retrofitting, demolition, and recycling

Saint-Gobain and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Go Build 2021

Healthy Buildings Challenge: Building sustainability and wellbeing for building occupants

Go Build 2019

InNOVAte 2019: The built environment

Go Build Alumni

“There’s no better way to accelerate the growth of a company. There are a lot of things about building a company that aren’t straightforward, and to have Greentown understand and have mentors who have been through fundraising and know how to think about your product—it’s beyond measure, the value that provides.”

Jay Cady

CTO of Hyperframe

Get Involved with Greentown Go