Lab Overview

The electronics lab has everything entrepreneurs need to prototype and test their electronics, including:

  • Multimeters: Benchtop and portable options. Benchtop up to 6½ digit.
  • Power supplies: Large and small benchtop high-precision DC supplies.
  • Oscilloscopes: 100-500MHZ with 204 digital switching channels.
  • Thermal Imaging: Fine-resolution thermal imager with image-logging capabilities.
  • RF analyzers: Handheld analyzers that are portable. 6.5 GHz max frequency.
  • Software: $100K+ in software licenses for Keysight’s design and simulation tools. BenchVue, Keysight ADS, and more.
  • Shared lab benches: Ready-to-use soldering stations and a complete suite of small, shared tools.
  • Shared Rework Tools: Hakko Desoldering and Controleo3 programmable reflow toaster.
  • Automation Station: Programmable logic controllers, electricity measuring units, and variable frequency devices generously donated by our partner Mitsubishi Electric Automation.

The electronics lab is largely made possible by Keysight, a Greentown Labs Terawatt Partner. Members also get access to design and simulation software provided by Keysight.

Labs and Shops

Prototyping Lab

Greentown Houston provides more than 5,000 square feet of prototyping lab space at 4200 San Jacinto St. This open-concept lab space is where startups take their work from R&D to rapid prototyping while preparing for manufacturing and commercial development.

Explore The prototyping Lab

Machine Shop

Greentown’s machine shop features the equipment startups need to build their hardware, from band saws to a laser cutter and more.

Explore The machine Shop


Tools from the brands Stanley, DEWALT, Irwin, Lenox, and Craftsman.

Explore the tool shop

Outdoor Lab

Greentown’s Outdoor Lab is available for tests and experiments that benefit from exposure to the elements.

Explore the outdoor Lab