
Greentown Labs Member Milestones — June 2024

Our 200+ startups never fail to impress us with their hard work and commitment to scaling their climatetech solutions! Check out their latest accomplishments below. 

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  • M2X Energy, which develops a modular, transportable gas-to-liquids system to economically produce low-carbon methanol, raised a $40M Series B to accelerate the manufacturing and deployment of its system.
  • AeroShield Materials received a $14.5M ARPA-E SCALEUP award to scale the manufacturing of its aerogel materials for energy-efficient windows. 
  • SiTration raised an oversubscribed $11.8M seed round to scale the recovery of critical metals from lithium-ion battery recycling to mining and deploy its pilot systems.  
  • Tender Food, a startup that produces plant-based meats using natural proteins, raised an $11M Series A to deploy and further develop its product. 
  • ecoLocked received €4M to continue its efforts in decarbonizing the construction industry using its carbon-negative building materials. 
  • Optigon, which is developing tools to accelerate advancements in the photovoltaic industry, received a $1.3M fast-track SBIR from the Department of Energy for developing “rapid multi-modal characterization tools for PV manufacturing.” 
  • Corrolytics, which is digitizing corrosion-detection and asset-integrity monitoring in industrial infrastructure, received a $200k Phase I Award from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s SBIR program. 
  • Greentown alum Verne received funding through the U.S. Army Energy Demand Reduction and Clean Energy Tech SBIR program to research cryo-compressed hydrogen vehicles for the U.S. Army. 

Partnerships + Deployments 

Awards + Recognitions