Tool Shop Overview

The Stanley Black & Decker Tool Shop at Greentown Boston features $25,000 worth of donated tools and equipment to help our community of climatetech startups develop their hardware solutions. As part of its commitment to safety and outstanding performance, Stanley Black & Decker provides training sessions on tool shop equipment to Greentown’s entrepreneurs.

The tool shop includes hand tools, power tools, organized toolboxes, measuring gear, clamps, drill bits, manual cutting tools, and more from the brands Stanley, DEWALT, Irwin, Lenox, and Craftsman.


  • Pre-assembled tool boxes with the best tools from each brand curated and ready to get to work
  • Stanley measuring gear, including laser leveling for lab layout and space design
  • Irwin wire and cable cutting tools 
  • Irwin clamps
  • Dewalt 20V Press Tool Kit Pro for no-solder copper joints
  • Dewalt 20V Cable Cutter for working with transmission and energy infrastructure
  • Dewalt 60V Pipe Threader
  • Curated collection of hand tools, manual cutting (hack saws, pull saws, snips, etc.), and accessories
  • Irwin Cobalt drill bit indexes from for Greentown Boston’s two vertical TRAK mills, located in our machine shop)
  • Dewalt multi-cutter powered 80/20-specific chop saw station
  • Stanley hand tools, measuring, squares, and straight gauges
  • Precision hand tools 
  • Wire cutting and management

Labs and Shops

Machine Shop

Greentown’s machine shop supplies the equipment climatetech startups need to build their hardware, from mills to 3D printers to a laser cutter and more.

Explore the Machine Shop

Prototyping Lab

Our 34,000 square feet of prototyping lab space allows startups to take their technology from initial R&D to rapid prototyping while preparing for manufacturing and commercial development.

Explore The Lab

Wet Lab

Greentown’s 26-bench wet lab is home to startups creating everything from long-duration energy storage to energy-efficient manufacturing membranes to silk coatings that extend the freshness of produce and proteins.

Explore the Wet Lab

Electronics Lab

A dedicated space for electronics assembly, soldering, testing, and measuring.

Explore The Electronics Lab

Rooftop Lab

Greentown Boston’s rooftop lab enables members to run tests and experiments that benefit from exposure to the elements, in tandem with tools and equipment.

Explore the Rooftop Lab