Lab Overview
The electronics lab has everything entrepreneurs need to prototype and test their electronics, including:
- Multimeters: benchtop and portable options. Benchtop up to 6½ digit.
- Power supplies: large and small benchtop high-precision DC supplies.
- Oscilloscopes: 100-500MHZ with 2-4 digital switching channels.
- Thermal imaging: fine-resolution thermal imager with image-logging capabilities.
- RF analyzers: handheld analyzers that are portable. 6.5 GHz max frequency.
- Software: $100k+ in software licenses for Keysight’s design and simulation tools. BenchVue, Keysight ADS, and more.
- Shared lab benches: ready-to-use soldering stations and a complete suite of small, shared tools.
- Shared Rework Tools: Hakko Desoldering and Controleo3 programmable reflow toaster.
- Automation Station: programmable logic controllers, electricity measuring units, and variable frequency drives generously donated by our partner Mitsubishi Electric Automation.

The electronics lab is largely made possible by Keysight, a Greentown Labs partner.

“I have been blown away with Keysight’s equipment in general, and the offerings that Greentown has in particular. I have been through both undergraduate and grad school at MIT, as well as working in the semiconductor industry, and I have never had access to the level of equipment available at Greentown.”

Labs and Shops
Machine Shop
Greentown’s machine shop supplies the equipment climatetech startups need to build their hardware, from mills to 3D printers to a laser cutter and more.
Explore The ShopPrototyping Lab
Our 34,000 square feet of prototyping lab space allows startups to take their technology from initial R&D to rapid prototyping while preparing for manufacturing and commercial development.
Explore The LabWet Lab
Greentown’s 26-bench wet lab is home to startups creating everything from long-duration energy storage to energy-efficient manufacturing membranes to silk coatings that extend the freshness of produce and proteins.
Tools from the brands Stanley, DEWALT, Irwin, Lenox, and Craftsman.
Explore the Tool ShopRooftop Lab
Greentown Boston’s rooftop lab enables members to run tests and experiments that benefit from exposure to the elements, in tandem with tools and equipment.
Explore the Rooftop Lab