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Greentown Labs’ Actions in Response to COVID-19

Dear Partners, Friends, and Fellow Climate Optimists:

Greentown Labs is proud to foster a thriving community of entrepreneurs and partners who are working together to address our biggest climate and environmental challenges. And while we remain wholeheartedly committed to supporting the advancement and deployment of their solutions, we view the health and safety of our community as our top priority. 

As such, in light of the rapidly expanding COVID-19 outbreak, Greentown Labs has implemented a number of policies and precautions to help prevent or limit the spread of the virus across our campus and the Somerville, MA, community. Over the past two weeks we have communicated with our members regarding our health and safety measures but given Greentown’s active and incredibly supportive network of partners, friends, and neighbors, we felt it was prudent to share an update with our entire ecosystem. 

As of Thursday, March 12, 2020, the following measures will be in effect across Greentown’s campus: 

  • Events are cancelled through April 3. This includes external events, lunch & learns, tours, and community events. All office hours will be conducted virtually.
  • Work from home: effective immediately, our team will primarily be working from home and we are strongly encouraging our member companies to do the same. 
  • Reduced visitor access: Until further notice, Greentown will no longer host visitors and we are strongly encouraging our members to do the same. We will also be shifting our facilities to a “locked door” status—meaning only Greentown members will have access. 


We believe it is in the best interest of our team, community, and partners to practice and encourage social distancing as we all work together to swiftly and safely navigate COVID-19.

As the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 change, we will update our policies to serve the best interests of our community and will update you accordingly.  As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership. 

Be well,

The Greentown Labs team