
Celebrating Clean Tech Leadership in New England and Looking Forward to the Future

Emily Reichert, Executive Director, Greentown Labs

As Fast Company reported last week, the latest Clean Tech Leadership Index rankings were recently released by Clean Edge. Although California still leads the overall rankings, there is a lot to celebrate here in New England.

Massachusetts ranks second overall by a strong margin, while leading in the policy and capital categories. In addition, Vermont and Connecticut both cracked the top 10! On the Metro side, Boston climbed an impressive 4 spots to 6th place overall, due to strong investment in innovation and workforce, as well as the Boston city government’s commitment to green power purchases. Hartford, CT and Providence, RI are also ranked among the top 50 metro areas.

While this is great news for the region, it is also important to consider how we can continue to improve. Here in Massachusetts, much of the gains that we have made (and our current leading position in the Policy category) can be attributed to the policy changes and support from Governor Deval Patrick. With a gubernatorial election looming, we have to hope that the next Governor will continue this great work in clean energy policies and supporting our entrepreneurs.

On another hand, we’re still significantly lagging in the Technology category. As stated in the Clean Edge report, “Massachusetts, along with New York and two other New England states in the Top 10, proves that states without robust clean-energy resources can still be national leaders.” However, just because we do not have as much sun as California (as anyone who has lived through a Boston winter can attest…) or as much wind as the mid-west, does not mean that we cannot do more with what we have.

 In fact, many Greentown Labs companies are working on doing just that! For example:

What the success of the New England area shows is that, through strong leadership and investment in innovative technologies, any state can make a positive difference in our environmental future. Moreover, it shows that investing in the environment helps our economy as well.

While we are proud to help lead the United States in clean tech, we will be even prouder when the rest of the country catches up!