
NOT Made in China

Ever look at something and stop to wonder where it was made? Or how? I do that all the time, it’s pretty much my job. But even if it wasn’t my job I’m fascinated by a product’s backstory – who made it, where, how? I’m also intrigued when things really challenge my instincts – like wait, that’s made where?! Like not in China or India or Vietnam? That’s made in Massachusetts?! Get outta here – Awesome!

Because I am prone to sharing most thoughts in my head, I started telling my co-workers and friends about some of the products that were happily flabbergasting me. Most of them were shocked but also stoked to learn about the incredible things being made right within our state borders. And since October is Manufacturing Month in Massachusetts and October 2nd is National Manufacturing Day, I thought I would share some of these incredible MA made products –

Did you know that the following items are made in MA?

A. The Wonder Loom, of arts & crafts fame, is not only made in the USA, it’s made in East Long Meadow MA by Toner Plastics 

B. Integral components of lights on Blackhawk helicopters are made in North Adams at Cord-Master.

C. 2014 CleanTech Open northeast winner WrightGrid, maker of solar powered cell phone chargers gets their electronics boards designed and assembled in South Deerfield, MA and have the rest of their product made in Holliston, MA.

D. 30% of commercial airlines & all military planes come from Springfield MA & the Pioneer Valley. No – not the wings or seats, all the precision made gears & parts that hold the whole thing together – those are made right down the Pike.

E. Born out of an MIT dorm room, Grove Labs offer in home plant & food growing through an aquaponic system. Plus they design, build & assemble in Clinton MA. That’s about as localvore as you can get! 

F. Tribe & Cedar hummus is still made in MA – Tribe in Taunton, MA and Cedar in Haverhill.

G. Sanitation & proper waste disposal have huge public health & economic impacts across the globe. In 2014 a wholly owned subsidiary of Coghlin Companies of Worcester, MA was invited by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & the Reinvent the Toilet Fair: India to help solve sanitation issues. They were 1 of only 3 engineering firms in the world to be given the design & build opportunity to provide safe, cost effective sanitation to over 2 billion people worldwide. And they are making this revolutionary machine – in Worcester.

I could keep going. Cymbals are made in Norwell. Money is made in Dalton. Entertainment consoles for JetBlue & United airlines are fixed Haverhill, as are responsive lights for Mercedes cars. New Balance has 2 factories in MA. I hope this surprises you, and maybe even shocks you a little. What I really hope is that it makes lots of people start to re-think why we assume everything is made in Asia. It doesn’t have to be. And in many cases, it’s not. If you have a great idea in MA, you should make it in MA, and there are plenty of people who can tell you how because they are already doing it.