Member Companies


Solar. Made Simple.

Greentown Boston Member

About the Company

SolarKal is the largest solar energy marketplace in the U.S, connecting organizations to solar providers who compete for their business. Through a proprietary bidding platform, real estate owners, non-profits, businesses and corporations alike can easily compare customized quotes from dozens of pre-vetted solar providers. Since 2015, SolarKal simplified solar for dozens of organizations, transacted on $300MM worth of deals across 15 contingent U.S. states.

About the Solution

Transitioning to solar energy is confusing. But it doesn’t have to be. SolarKal offers organizations access to the first-ever marketplace of solar vendors in the nation where providers compete for their business, resulting in the best fit, highest-quality system at the best price. SolarKal’s proven procurement process is complemented by agnostic dedicated advisory services. Engaging with SolarKal saves clients a substantial amount of time, internal resources, and capital—30% on average—when compared to traditional solar energy procurement methods.