Member Companies

Prophet AI

Greentown Boston Member

Prophet AI Logo

Founded 2024



Jean-Sebastien Spratt


About the company 

Agriculture must adapt faster than ever. Meeting a 70% increase in demand by 2050 will require a paradigm shift in food production, which has lagged far behind growth targets. Automation, powered by AI, is key to this transition. Prophet AI develops AI tools to empower Agriculture to scale efficiently while fulfilling a ‘triple obligation’ to environmental, financial, and social sustainability.

About the solution
Prophet AI provides an AI monitoring system that aims to improve the sustainability, efficiency, and transparency of agriculture. The primary target is to monitor poultry health, where production mortality rates have skyrocketed 50% in the past decade. Poultry is an efficient protein source and meeting increased consumer demand is critical for shifting diets from high-emission beef. Through real-time poultry health monitoring, the company’s computer-vision-based system aims to facilitate a 2% reduction in chicken mortality in the US and increase flock supervisor’s span of work by 50%. Just improving mortality would save the industry $600M in revenue, avoid the waste of 2 MMT of CO2 emissions, and prevent 180 million chicken deaths annually. Prophet AI’s vision goes beyond poultry, aiming to scale their technology across Ag sectors, empowering sustainable growth across agriculture.