Member Companies

Promethean Power Systems

Preserving perishables in some of the world's most challenging conditions

Greentown Alumni

About the company

Promethean Power has developed a thermal battery technology focused on cold-storage of perishable foods. Today, there are over 40,000 dairy farmers in India and Bangladesh accessing its technology in order to chill their milk without the need for diesel generators and get it to the market in a sustainable way.

About the solution

At the heart of Promethean’s solution is the Promethean Thermal Storage System (TSS).

The TSS is the patented technology that enables all of Promethean’s refrigeration products. The TSS can store and release large amounts of thermal energy and can be implemented to cooling applications as varied as comfort cooling or fermentation control.

The TSS provides:

  • Backup cooling power – for areas with unreliable grid power
  • Instant cooling power – for rapid cooling of fruits, vegetables, milk and other perishable food products
  • Load shifting – from day-time to night-time to reduce energy bills and increase energy efficiency in refrigeration applications