Founded 2012
Agriculture, Manufacturing
Daniel Cho
Joe Henderson
About the company
Onvector develops non-chemical water treatment technologies using plasma. Plasma is an advanced oxidation and disinfection process (AOP) that is far more robust than ozone or UV. Onvector innovates at the nexus of energy and water by harnessing advances in fluid dynamics, power electronics, and advanced materials to create solutions that reduce cost and improve compliance in challenging industrial applications as well as to destroy PFAS (“forever chemicals”) and other contaminants of emerging concern.
About the solution
Onvector’s Plasma Vortex technology delivers multiple oxidants and disinfectants simultaneously, including hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, UV as well as electrons and other charged particles.
Unlike other plasma treatment technologies, Onvector’s Plasma Vortex utilizes arc-type plasma in cyclonic flow reactors, which provides more reactions through a robust, continuous blast. Plasma Vortex is the only plasma water treatment device that works in any water quality (any salinity or TDS), without moving parts, sprays, or bubbles inside the treatment reactor, and with minimal electrode erosion.
Key features and benefits:
- Oxidizes organic chemical contaminants
- Destroys microbiological organisms
- Delivers an array of oxidants and disinfectants simultaneously for higher performance and efficiency
- Strong UV emission and high radical density
- Cyclone flow reactors increase residence time of water and plasma exposure
- Patented plasma channel “stretching” increases plasma-water interface
- Flow design provides self-cooling to protect plasma electrodes from erosion
- Reduced operating costs