Member Companies

Micronic Technologies, Inc.

The Clean Water Solution

Greentown Houston Member

Micronic Technologies, Inc. Logo

Founded 2008



Karen Sorber

Co-founder + CEO

Kelly Rock

Co-founder + CTO

About the Company

Micronic Technologies is a woman co-founded and led small business commercializing a patented wastewater concentration technology, the TOP™.

With nearly $8M in development funding, 11 patents issued, three pending patent applications, and key strategic channel partnerships in place, Micronic is ready to commercialize its Tornadic One-Pass™ (TOP™) in 2022. The company is raising a $2.5M Series Seed 2 round to deploy field pilots for the cheese and landfill run-off market and ramp up sales. Micronic has a $6.5M term sheet from a lead investor with a 20 percent discounted note for a short-term bridge.

About the Solution

Micronic’s TOP™ system design pushes contaminated water through a geometrically unique “pod” with sufficient force to create a miniature tornado and the conditions for near-instantaneous evaporation to remove contaminants. TOP™ technology employs a closed-loop system of heat transfer and condensation that returns vapor to a clean liquid form and separates the contaminants, all without the use of filters or membranes.  At a reduced power consumption rate compared to other evaporation technologies, TOP™ uses a highly dynamic turbulent flow to evaporate wastewater that prevents scale buildup and requires no pre-treatment or chemical dosing. The TOP™ reduces wastewater volume by more than 95 percent; removes contaminants by more than 99 percent; uses no filters, membranes, or chemicals; and is projected to cost 50 percent less than competitive technologies. The best application for TOP™ technology is in treating industrial wastewater where near-zero liquid discharge is sought by industry that desires 100 percent water reuse.