Member Companies

Browning the Green Space

Creating jobs, creating wealth, and reducing energy burden.

Greentown Boston Member

About the company

Browning the Green Space (“BGS”)  is a voluntary coalition of leaders and organizations, primarily in the New England region, that share the passion to advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) in clean energy. The organization’s goal is to increase the participation and leadership of Black and Brown people and of women (collectively, “underrepresented groups”) in the clean energy space and beyond (e.g., wasted food, water, agtech) in the Northeast.

About the solution

BGS is focused on a comprehensive approach to addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion across our key focus areas of Careers, Companies, Contracts, Capital, and Communities. The company does this by convening to provide opportunities to discuss progress and challenges, filling resource and capacity gaps at the intersection of climate change and race, and building bridges to advance initiatives across sectors and focus areas leveraging our organization’s diverse expertise.