Greentown Labs Manufacturing Initiative Opens Office in Springfield to Connect Startups and Manufacturers Across Massachusetts
Boston – December 16, 2016 – Today during a panel discussion at the Massachusetts State House, Dr. Emily Reichert, CEO of Greentown Labs, and Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Robert DeLeo, announced the opening of an office in Springfield Massachusetts as part of the Greentown Labs Manufacturing Initiative. The panel, “Putting talent to work: Manufacturing in the innovation economy,” was part of the second Bay State Business Link forum hosted by Speaker DeLeo and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
In partnership with the Springfield Technology Park (“Tech Park”), Western Mass Economic Development Council, Regional Employment Board of Hampden County and the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (“MassMEP”), the Manufacturing Initiative’s new office in Western Massachusetts will create a physical bridge between the numerous hardware startups in the eastern part of the state and manufacturers and startups located in the western part of the state. The office was made possible with generous funding from the Davis Foundation, a family foundation located in Springfield, Massachusetts, that focuses on local initiatives that strengthen the regional community; along with assistance from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and MassDevelopment.
With financial support from MassDevelopment, the Manufacturing Initiative has developed a first of its kind program to connect startups and manufacturers. The program includes education of startups in manufacturing and supply chains, and identification and connection with local manufacturers in the hopes of creating more local business between startups who begin in Massachusetts and existing manufacturers. Greentown Labs developed this manufacturing initiative as part of its greater mission to serve cleantech entrepreneurs and provide them with the resources they need to thrive and grow. Located in Somerville, Greentown Labs is home to over 50 cleantech startups developing prototypes in its shared lab and office space.
“Massachusetts has a rich history of manufacturing innovation and Greentown Labs is proud to support statewide efforts focused on workforce development and job creation across the industry to ensure we remain a leader in this space for many years to come,” said Greentown Labs CEO Emily Reichert. “Through our Manufacturing Initiative we’ve had the unique opportunity to work with both local startups and manufacturers to bridge communication and education gaps to ultimately help develop working relationships between the parties. From this experience it has become clear that manufacturers play a critical role in our broader innovation economy—specifically in supporting hardware-focused startup product development—and we are confident by extending our Initiative’s services to Western Massachusetts we will create more opportunities to engage with manufacturers around the Commonwealth.”
“I am so excited to see the Greentown Labs Manufacturing Initiative opening an office in Springfield. By launching this site, the Manufacturing Initiative is exemplifying the spirit of our Bay State Business Link, expanding the circle of prosperity beyond Greater Boston and tying the Commonwealth’s regions more closely together,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo. “By finding ways to connect companies from all parts of the Commonwealth, we will keep jobs in Massachusetts, grow our economy, support students and foster a thriving innovation ecosystem. My sincere thanks to Greentown Labs, the Davis Foundation and the Initiative’s partner organizations.”
“As an organization committed to supporting the growth, prosperity and future generations of Hampden County, the Davis foundation is proud to partner with these great organizations on launching the new Greentown Labs Manufacturing Initiative office in Springfield,” said the Davis Foundation Executive Director Mary Walachy. “We’re eager to see the impact this program makes on our community.”
“MassMEP is a proud partner of this innovative project to grow the manufacturing economy in Western Massachusetts,” said MassMEP President John Killam. “Our partnership with Greentown Labs is a valuable resource to our manufacturing clients.”
“Greentown’s opening of a Manufacturing office in Springfield places a strong and successful program in the heart of the Pioneer Valley, which has a storied tradition of advanced manufacturing in Massachusetts,” said MassDevelopment President and CEO Marty Jones. “MassDevelopment is proud to work with Greentown Labs, MassMEP, and our Western Massachusetts partners on two of our Agency priorities: supporting the Commonwealth’s manufacturing industry and its vibrant and historic Gateway Cities.”
“Massachusetts is home to entrepreneurs developing groundbreaking clean energy technologies and driving the Commonwealth’s robust innovation economy,” said Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Stephen Pike. “By supporting this initiative, we help connect businesses to local manufacturers — the hidden gems of the Massachusetts supply chain – spurring economic activity across the entire state.”
Research conducted as part of the Manufacturing Initiative found that services startups want most from manufacturers are all offered in Massachusetts, indicating that the current trend of startups looking to the Internet or overseas for suppliers is unnecessary. During today’s panel discussion, Speaker DeLeo and Emily Reichert highlighted how this new office has the capability to revitalize Massachusetts’ manufacturing sector and add jobs statewide.
The Springfield office is located in the Scibelli Enterprise Center within the Springfield Technology Park and will be managed by manufacturing operations and supply chain specialist Adam Rodrigues ([email protected]). For more information please contact the Director of the Manufacturing Initiative, Micaelah Morrill, at [email protected].