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TEX-E Fellowship Informational Session

April 21 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm CT

Want to dive headfirst into energy innovation and serve as an ambassador for your university? Join us virtually on April 21 to learn more!

Register for the virtual session here!

The TEX-E (Texas Entrepreneurship Exchange for Energy) Fellowship is currently accepting applications for next year with a deadline of April 23, 2023. This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students at participating TEX-E schools—Prairie View A&M UniversityRice UniversityTexas A&M UniversityUniversity of HoustonThe University of Texas at Austin, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology— graduating in 2024 or later.

Benefits of the fellowship include:

  • A unique and unparalleled opportunity to connect with leaders in the energy innovation ecosystem
  • Access to a pool of discretionary funding for events and travel, to be administered by Greentown, the Martin Trust Center, and your home university
  • Special invitations to events and networking opportunities in fall 2023 and spring 2024
  • Career opportunities and internship

TEX-E is a partnership between the MIT Martin Trust CenterGreentown Labs and five Texas universities with the goal of creating a powerful student-driven entrepreneurship ecosystem in Texas.

This virtual info session will include the opportunity to learn more about the fellowship from Ben Soltoff from MIT and Lara Cottingham from Greentown Labs.

More information in TEX-E can be found here: https://greentownlabs.com/tex-e/
