Prototyping Lab

Lab Overview

This is where the magic happens. The 34,000-square-foot prototyping lab is home to startups working side by side to build the technologies that will shape a clean energy economy.

In the prototyping lab, you can take your technology from initial R&D to rapid prototyping while preparing for manufacturing and commercial development. We also offer a fully stocked machine shop with the key machinery hardware-focused climatetech and cleantech startups need.

This lab gives members space, freedom, and support. Take 100 square feet or take 1,000, and feel free to change it up next month. We’ll take care of your basic operational needs, including safety infrastructure, electricity access, waste disposal, and shipping and receiving. That frees you up to work on what really matters.

Labs and Shops

Machine Shop

Greentown’s machine shop supplies the equipment climatetech startups need to build their hardware, from mills to 3D printers to a laser cutter and more.

Explore The Shop

Wet Lab

Greentown’s 26-bench wet lab is home to startups creating everything from long-duration energy storage to energy-efficient manufacturing membranes to silk coatings that extend the freshness of produce and proteins.

Explore the Wet Lab

Electronics Lab

A dedicated space for electronics assembly, soldering, testing, and measuring.

Explore The Electronics Lab

Stanley Black & Decker Tool Shop

Tools from the brands Stanley, DEWALT, Irwin, Lenox, and Craftsman.

Explore the Tool Shop